Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Grammar Queen
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Friday, 21 November 2008
Nominations for most tedious topic

Monday, 17 November 2008
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Isle of Wight Conference
So a big thank you to Joe and Heather Dale, and all the speakers at the conference for a fantastic weekend. Lots of inspiration, and several instances of making digital life easier: we couldn't ask for more. Didn't have an opportunity to go to Alvin's Waffle House, however. Next year maybe.
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Pixton again
PS Links are playing up for me again tonight, so with apologies, the one vital address here: www.pixton.com
As I previously suspected, Pixton is maybe a little too complex and less visually appealing than other sites, such as toondoo, for younger students, but is a fantastic tool for the more ambitious or experienced. I'm now wondering about setting a cartooning task for November's "blogechange" project...
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Isle of Wight Conference
So if you only ever follow one link from this site, follow this:http://joedale.typepad.com/integrating_ict_into_the_/2008/09/book-now-for-th.html
(apologies for not linking more neatly blogger is playing up on me tonight)
Friday, 19 September 2008
How to talk to students so they will listen to you
Last week Nik Peachey posted on using Virsonas with EAL students in a similar way (as far as I can see they are a super-deluxe version of a voki, using Artifical Intelligence technology and with far greater potential). I immediately mailed the company to enquire if they would be bringing out versions that can cope with languages other than English, and to my delight received the reply they were already working on it and hope to make a French version available in January 09. Definitely a date in my diary.
To read more about vokis you can check out today's Times Ed. magazine, in the dubiously-named "Geek Speak" section, where I've shared a few ideas on using speaking avatars, and text to speech technology generally.
Did I slip that in smoothly enough? Just nipping out now to buy copies for all my friends and relatives....
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Woldingham School ICT Day
We then welcomed Ellen Coen from Childnet International, an internet safety charity, who led a session on internet safety. She covered the main new technologies students may be using out of school hours, as well as showing us a a really effective video to use with students on cyberbullying. Childnet's approach involves informing of the potential dangers of the net environment, whilst encouraging us to model good usage of it by using these technologies with our students.
In the afternoon we spilt into workshop groups to spend some time "hands on". Music, Maths and Science worked on their own software, whilst other staff looked at blogging, podcasting, intranet and IWB. For Woldingham staff, you can take a look at what John and Kelly produced using Promethean interactive whiteboard software on our T drive in the IWB Training folder. Look for the files entitled Sutton Hoo and Skeleton, and click on the N at the top of the page for an explanation of how to use them. I'm just waiting for more links to the baby blogs created on the day to add them to the blogroll - but you can already check out the French and Japanese Departments' offerings. Let's hope there will be plenty more activity on these fronts over the next few months. Hopefully taking a group of staff to the TES and BETT shows will give us added impetus.
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Saturday, 19 July 2008
At last!
phone. Thanks to very simple google mail i am now using 'mail to
Blogger'. Cool. More moblogging options! :-D
Friday, 11 July 2008
Loony Toons
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Moblogging from Montpellier

Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Revision wikis
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
A blog is born
Monday, 9 June 2008

Had a great time working with five teachers in Leeds today during a course on blogging and social learning networks. In all 10 new blogs in edublogs and blogger saw the light of day and we enjoyed creating voki characters, embedding video and games and exploring widgets. It was a nice surprise when we noticed Joe Dale had referred to the presentation we were following through the day in his post. For anyone beginning blogging, just a reminder - you can search this site for "blog club" entries to get instructions on the basics of blogging, from setting up to writing posts and pages and installing a couple of widgets. Don't forget there are great help videos in edublogs and plenty of tips and guidance in the dashboard area of blogger. Happy blogging...we certainly were today!
Friday, 6 June 2008
Quick start guides
blogger basics:
edublogs basics:
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
You don't fatten a pig by weighing it
Seriously, the point of all this is that I want a reliable counter for our first moblog. You can see the embryo of this blog forming at www.montpellierlive08.blogspot.com. We will be meeting in the French department within the next few days to discuss ways into this trip and its accompanying blog for year 10, and maybe setting them some research work to get them using the blog before they go. Meanwhile I have created an account and set up a Montpellier channel with gabcast. This week I will be practising creating mp3s by 'phone and hopefully having them sent directly to the trip blog so that we know what we are doing in June.
Thursday, 1 May 2008
Make a your own video from digital photos
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Get a Voki now!
Check out www.inspecteurduval.blogspot.com for an idea on how to use a fictional blog to encourage research, creative writing and problem solving. This blog is designed for an able year 11 or a Sixth Form group. Inspecteur Duval (of course Duval, as those familiar with the valley our school is in will know) has to solve the mystery of a diamond theft from a luxury Paris Hotel. Using links to sites connected with the suspects and scene of the crime students begin to develop the characters, and prepare vokis giving a brief statement of innocence, as well as mp3s of initial interviews with Duval. Students then decide which of the suspects is going to be guilty, and plan a subtle gap or discrepancy in their story, as well as plenty of motivation for all three suspects, just to make things tricky! They can then record or post statements from supporting characters. When the project is finished (I estimate three weeks of 1hr 20 a week) we have a murder-mystery blog activity for other groups to solve. At that stage I might invite new participants onto the jury and use the polling feature in Blogger for them to cast their vote, with a 1G memory stick as a prize for the best judge's sentencing speech posted as a comment.
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Share your PowerPoints
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Search me!
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Cutting youself some slack: RSS
Monday, 31 March 2008
Subscribe by e-mail
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Cutting yourself some slack: why IT shouldn't be (too much) more work
Friday, 29 February 2008
Moblogging and PowerPoints
Keep an eye on www.haythorneg.parislavieenrose.blogspot.com over the weekend as Niamh is going to be getting the students on the Paris trip to moblog (remote blog) using their internet/camera phones from France.
It is easy for you to post a comment for them to read while they are away, if you wish. You will just need to type your e-mail address, an anti-spam word and a comment in the relevant boxes on the website above.
Would welcome any feedback or ideas after the weekend.
Meanwhile, Toby has found out for me how to embed PowerPoints in Blogger. Whilst it is a bit more complicated than the obvious route in edublogs it looks really neat. Sign up to www.scribd.com and upload your file to the scribd website. Then paste the code they give you into the html tab side of a new post in Blogger. Done. If you have problems, it may be that the width of your Blogger template is not sufficient to accommodate the PowerPoint. If that is the case you can go to "Templates" and "Edit" from your dashboard to check out what width you have available and edit te scribd code down accordingly. Anyway, I have to say it worked really easily when I tried (i.e. without extra editing) and you can see the results below.
Uploading PowerPoint to Blogger
Friday, 15 February 2008
Priorities, priorities!
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Dustbin Game
Thursday, 7 February 2008
rate your mates: this is an idea from Ewan McIntosh (he has a fantastic blog on all aspects of blogging, podcasting and new technologies). once some student work has been uploaded (PowerPoint for example) ask students to post two stars and a wish/two rocks and one sucks for a bit of peer assessment
planning: ask students to post ideas on how to revise, or how they are going to tackle work over the holidays.
ask a discussion or even exam question and get them to share ideas
never-ending story: ask students to write a paragraph of a story and then supply three words for next students to use in their continuation paragraph
So talking of comments, please add your with ideas of how we could use this feature of blogs to get interactive with the students.
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Blog club task two
If you haven't yet started a blog, follow the instructions under "Step One". Once done, go to your "dashboard" (you'll need to log in by clicking on the "Meta" "log in" or "admin" link) and post a few entries - anything will do, you're just practising! Remember posts are displayed most recent at the top. Remember to fill in the "tag" and/or "categories" boxes with as many key words as you wish - it will make your blog much easier to manage and use. If you are using edublogs, go to "Manage pages" and create a few new pages - remembering these exist outside of the usual hierarchy of blog posts. You might assign different pages to different key stages classes, topics, Units or skills. Tabs for your new pages will appear at the top of your main page.
Last task: either do this yourself or ask someone to do it for you. Access the blog without logging in and fill in a comments box (follow in-screen instructions). This is the only way other users will be able to post on the blog, unless you give them authoring rights. In edublogs you will then receive an e-mail, inviting you to moderate that comment. Once you have moderated, it will be posted automatically. Have a think about how you might encourage girls to participate actively in your blog by commenting (some ideas from me next post).
Next bloggers' club will be after half-term. Have a good week off.
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
New blog
Thursday, 24 January 2008
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Blog club: Step One
First decide which blog host you will use. Choose from www.blogger.com (this one is an example) or www.edublogs.org (look at my French blog at www.haythorneg@edublogs.org).
Edublogs allows you to use a number of pages, as well as reverse-chronological posting on any particular page, and functions such as getting students to subscribe by e-mail, tag-clouds (an eye-catching way of enabling people to search the site) and uploading of audio files, PowerPoints and pictures are easy. Blogger has more options for blogging on the go (maybe for you, PE?) including posting from any e-mail address and posting from mobile phones, plus it has impressive features such as slideshows of photos and using newsreels. Don't agonise too much however: they seem to expand their features all the time. Have a word with me if you need more advice.
Go to the relevant website, create an account, and follow the instructions to set up a blog (a couple of clicks will do it).
When choosing a theme (template or appearance) in edublogs, make sure you choose a three column one, as it offers you more functions ("widgets"). Please now send me a link and I'll post them here so we can share what we do as we go along.
Next week we will add pages (in edublogs) and start posting (edublogs and blogger) - if you can wait until then. Remember help is available next Friday, 1st February, at lunchtime (venue tba). Happy blogging!
One for the techies
There are 10 types of people in this world:
those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Ha ha.