Wednesday 14 May 2008

You don't fatten a pig by weighing it

So the old country saying goes... but on the other hand I am interested to see how many visits this blog gets. Therefore I installed a counter widget last week and was astounded at braincandy's popularity -as it scaled the dizzy heights of 12000 hits within a day or so. Suspicious my blog is not yet quite so well-known I have removed that widget and installed an alternative one (also from widgetbox). I look forward to more sober stats.!
Seriously, the point of all this is that I want a reliable counter for our first moblog. You can see the embryo of this blog forming at We will be meeting in the French department within the next few days to discuss ways into this trip and its accompanying blog for year 10, and maybe setting them some research work to get them using the blog before they go. Meanwhile I have created an account and set up a Montpellier channel with gabcast. This week I will be practising creating mp3s by 'phone and hopefully having them sent directly to the trip blog so that we know what we are doing in June.

Thursday 1 May 2008

Make a your own video from digital photos

Log on to Animoto to check this out and do listen to the soundtrack - the music they provide is pretty cool. Like baking bread - it doesn't take much actual work time but does take a while to upload and "render" into a video. Free for a 30 second clip. Great for a celebration of a visit or reinforcement of a topic, you can opt for the music or upload your own audio commentary. Check this one out to see what the Sixth Form got up to in Paris.